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There is an increasing emphasis on greener solutions for many aspects of everyday life. Installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger is one way to embrace a greener future. Various stakeholders are doing their bit to make this modern road transport technology accessible to Australians. There are also benefits of EVs that you can take advantage of.

This post explores why Sydney is ready for the EV Charger revolution. You can also learn more about the benefits of electric vehicles, funding provisions and incentives for EV transition, and NSW government efforts on the transition to EV charging. This article also considers the barriers to the uptake of electric cars. Continue reading to learn more!

Benefits of Electrical Vehicles

There is a reason why the world is tending towards an electrified road transport system. Indeed, electric vehicles benefit households and businesses as a 21st-century technological advancement.

  • For a start, EVs are low-emissions vehicles. They are powered by hydrogen fuel cells or batteries. Such clean energy has a better impact on the environment.
  • The prediction is that electric vehicles can reduce CO2 emissions in Australia by up to 15 million tonnes by 2030.
  • Electric cars are generally cheaper to run. They can have a fuel cost of only about a third of the fuel costs for a petrol-fuelled car.
  • In addition, with the falling prices of batteries, electric vehicles are becoming cheaper. The projection is that electric cars will cost the same as their conventional counterparts in a few years.

City of Sydney’s Readiness for EV Chargers

Volkswagen is expecting to reach three million electric vehicle sales yearly by 2025. There has been a tenfold increase in electric vehicles on the road over the last five years. EV sales also tend to be more than double the rate per year. Meanwhile, surveys show that up to half of Australians are ready to consider the purchase of an electric vehicle.

These statistics show the interest in a transition to Electric Vehicles. An indication that the EV revolution is advancing in Sydney is the increase in the sale of new EVs. Sydney is a city of car lovers, and EVs provide a climate-friendly alternative that meets personal transport needs and avoids expensive petrol prices.

Trends already show that Australians have a demand for EVs. However, the supply is inadequate. This in itself is an indication that there are potential growth opportunities.

Meanwhile, with the support from government and private stakeholders, there will be more incentives and infrastructure.

As a result, the purchase price will start to fall. Specifications will also keep improving, and EV uptake in Australia will keep growing. The time is ripe for you to enter the EV Charger revolution in Sydney.

Funding provisions and incentives for EV transition

Regarding charging infrastructure, there is a funding provision for fast-charging units around various cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Western Australia. For instance, Tesla has a network of fast-charging stations between Sydney and Brisbane. There are also many public charging stations across Australia.

Electric vehicles can enjoy the federal government discount for luxury car tax thresholds for low-emission vehicles. As a company, you can earn carbon credit units when transitioning your fleets to electric vehicles. This is as provided by the Emissions Reduction Fund.

Provision of charging stations across Sydney

Ausgrid has converted existing streetside green boxes into Jolt EV charging stations to revolutionise energy management and get the energy sector ready. More charging stations will be set up in Randwick, Hornsby, Northern Beaches, and Sydney.

This program uses electrical infrastructures as a way of helping to increase the rate of EV uptake in Sydney.

NSW’s Efforts on the Transition to EV Charging

The Australian government is doing its part to support the transition to EVs. This is understandable when you consider that transport is the second largest source of national emissions in Australia. Thus, the NSW EV strategy ultimately aims to boost EV uptake and help Australia achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

The plan also aims to improve affordability and provide better choices as the Australian EV market grows. That is why there are NSW EV consultations to increase local manufacturing and charging infrastructure and make EVs more affordable.

Supercharge the shift initiative

The NSW Government’s “Supercharge the Shift” initiative highlights several incentives and strategies to accelerate the EV revolution across NSW. More funding has been pledged for electric vehicle charges in the budget.

This $260 million plan is a component of a new NSW EV strategy that aims to expand needed infrastructure (like fast chargers), especially for those in apartment buildings or who do not have access to home charging.

  • Private sector investment is leveraged to work towards meeting the rising demand for electric vehicles (EVs).
  • There’s also a co-fund for kerbside charge points, which addresses the limitations of private off-street parking.
  • Many medium and large apartment buildings will be co-funded with car park spaces. This makes for easier EV charging electrical upgrades.
  • Some funds have been earmarked for sped-up rollouts of EV fast charging stations in high-density urban areas.

NSW awareness programs and interactive plan

Apart from the above Australian financial incentives and tax breaks, the NSW government also has awareness programs to help you understand the benefits of EVs.

You can use the NSW Government’s online interactive map to identify potential EV fast-charging networks.

This open access map also helps to showcase prime locations for EV fast charging infrastructure. With this interactive plan, the state can gain valuable data and work towards providing an increased number of EV charging stations.

Barriers to the Uptake of Electric Cars 

Read on to consider barriers to the complete transition to the use of EVs and measures to overcome these barriers.

Demand on the electricity grid and EV pricing

There are up to 28 electric vehicle models and 11 car makers in Australia. Many EV models are often perceived as luxury items. In addition, the energy sector must be ready for the impact of EV charging on the grid. A 100 per cent EV uptake carries a significant cost to the National Electricity Market.

The EV grid connections will also need to have consistent standards.For instance, electric cars can contribute a 2% increase in overall vehicle-to-grid electricity demand. There is thus a need for incentivised charging to reduce this cost.

Users can be incentivised to use charging periods with abundant renewable energy, such as mid-day rather than the evenings. Meanwhile, incentivised charging can lead to more efficient use of electricity networks. In turn, this can lead to a reduction in average network prices.

EV charging infrastructure and recharging range

While there are several fast and standard chargers at different locations, the federal government still prioritises providing more electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Also, with DC recharging stations and fast charging stations, you can recharge electric vehicles within 30 minutes. The objective is to produce electric cars that can be charged once to drive up to 1,000 kilometres.

Electric vehicle charging in apartment buildings

The largest percentages of electric vehicles are likely to be charged at home. As such, EV chargers and associated technology systems need to be such that you can charge the battery at home during nighttime hours (off-peak pricing hours). After all, this is one way to avoid the high prices due to higher household demands around 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Consult an Electrical Contractor for EV Services

You have now read up on why Sydney is ready for the EV charger revolution and the city of Sydney’s readiness for EV chargers. The transition to electric vehicles and EV charging is already on, and you may see the need to get residential or commercial EV solutions.

A local electrical contractor can help you get EV-ready. Call one to discuss your options and get EV guides for EV chargers for apartment buildings, commuter car parks, or kerbsides. Professionals can help property developers save money on electricity bills using commercial solar and smart energy solutions.

Are you interested in an obligation-free quote?

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